Happy Solstice! Joyous Lux Invictus!

We are innately connected to the light. It is life sustaining. So today we celebrate the shift to lengthening days and the ever increasing spiritual light, which is energy that can support us in manifesting our truest identity as a Divine Presence here during this pivotal time in history. We are transitioning into creating a world that is governed from a higher wisdom and truth, where beauty is tangible and can be felt by the way we feel as well as in what we surround ourselves with. In this dawning Golden Age, beginning with the Golden Age of One, we are able to heal the past deeply, from this lifetime and others, so that we don\’t have to be weighed down by heavy energies of emotions that no longer support our joyful expression.

As humans, we feel deeply the traumas and travails of this world. But we are also a greater expression of higher consciousness. This is the part of ourselves, the great I AM Presence, that is expressing the beautiful qualities of love, compassion, gratitude, joy, peace.

This is the part that supports us in healing from the pain and illusion of separation from the Oneness of life. Takes us from feelings of loneliness, to feelings of connection with the Source of Love.

And from this place of love, we are able to assist others in feeling better and connecting more with their Divine Presence within as well. As we do this for ourselves, and reach out our hearts and hands to others, we all rise into creating Heaven on Earth. This Golden Age culture promotes each one of us in being able to express our individual talents, while being supported by a culture and society that values those gifts.

We are all here for a reason. The path includes the growing awareness of where we are stuck in our life, not feeling good, suffering, and the antidote of clarity, and awareness that comes from a harmonious and calm center.

The light that we invoke as a sovereign being can transmute lower vibrating emotions of anger, hatred, rage, unworthiness, resentment, guilt and more. As we decree what we want to create, a life that is abundant and joyful, we can use the frequencies of color to assist us in this process.

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